February 23 is the 54th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 311 days remain until the end of the year (312 in leap years). Events. ... [2] 628 – Khosrow II, last Sasanian shah of Iran, is overthrown. [3] 705 – Empress Wu Zetian abdicates the throne, restoring the Tang dynasty. [4] See more
United Win 龙虎男高,Everything about cinema of Hong Kong, China and Taiwan, reviews of classic and new movies, cinema discussions, actor filmographies
「陰德」就是指你做了善事、好事別人還不知道,並且不是為了自己的利益,而做的善事,就叫陰德,人積德越多,這樣得的福報越大。 也有。
大事記. 16世紀以前. 23年: 漢光武帝 率領的部隊成功於 昆陽之戰 殲滅 王莽 主力軍隊,成為 中國歷史 上以少勝多的著名 戰役 之一。 917年:清海、建武节度使 刘岩 於番禹即位稱帝,改元乾亨,建立 南漢。 1456年: 聖女貞德 在經過 重新審判 (英语:Retrial of Joan of Arc) 後其 基督教之異端 (英语:Heresy in。 Ver mais
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2013 (MMXIII) was a common year starting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar, the 2013th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 13th year of the 3rd millennium and the 21st century, and the 4th year of the 2010s decade. 2013 was the first year since 1987 to contain four different digits (a span of 26。